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Sebastopol CA 95472



Week 7 | SOCO Lashes Sealer

Week 7 | SOCO Lashes Sealer


I have something to confess: If I don’t use our SOC Lashes Sealer at the end of every service, I’m paranoid. Literally… Like I lose sleep over it. Unless I am trying a new product and want to see how that product works as a standalone, I can’t not use our SOCO Sealer. The consistency in retention that it offers me, the low price point and how long each bottle lasts, and most importantly… MY CLIENTS NOTICE A DIFFERENCE. SOCO Lashes sealer is a product that I will use forever and ever… and ever. And I think the same goes for you guys, too, because it’s in out top 5 best seller benchmark.

 But what is a sealer? And does it work better if our clients seal their lashes every day at home? Does it work with every glue? Do all sealers work the same way?

These were all questions I had when Sealer (otherwise called bonder… even though that doesn’t make sense to my mind… wouldn’t that be the primer’s position? I digress…) I’ll quickly break down what SOCO Lashes Sealer does, how it works, and why it works.

Our Sealer at SOCO Lashes works in one way: It dries the glue from the outside, working its way inward. The only spot that it unknow if the sealer makes a different in retention would be the initial spot of attachment to the natural lash, which is where Primer’s role comes in. (I’ll explain our SOCO Lashes Primer next week!) This creates a very gentle reaction between the SOCO Lashes Sealer and our SOCO Lashes Adhesive, immediately starting to completely cure (or dry from a liquid into a solid) within 3 minutes if applies properly. Applying with a micro swab or lip wand essentially does nothing after the second ‘touch’ because micro swabs and lip wands don’t hold enough product. This is where our ‘Primer and Sealer Applications’ brushed come in… and I’ll be explaining those in the following week. Flooding the last line with sealer not only burns your client’s eye, but it will also dilute the glue before it has a chance to harden… giving you poor retention.

Do all sealers work the same way? The short answer is no. Not all products are created equally, similarly to shampoo and conditioner. There are luxury lines and lines that are made with cost effectiveness in mind. SOCO Lashes never cuts corners when it comes to costs, and Luxury is our middle name when it comes to the quality and the promise of our products.

Can SOCO Lashes Sealer be sued with any lash glue? Again, short answer is no. Although many lash companies pride themselves on the highest quality products, we never really know what other companies add to their ingredient list and chemical reactions on the eye can be a trick, not to mentions scary, thing. Many people have success, however we cannot speak on blending product with other companies, because we can’t control the consistency I their ingredient control.

And lastly, another ‘no’ when it comes to client home care and sealer. Once the adhesive it set, it’s completely set. Sure, your client can add the sealer as a placebo, and it technically probably won’t hurt, it also won’t do them any favors to add a product that dries glue to already dried glue.